Tarkan ficou conhecido por usar temas sensuais e românticos em seus trabalhos e tem sido apelidado de "Príncipe do Pop" pelos meios de comunicação; lançou vários álbuns (todos em turco, e um em inglês) no primeiro ano de sua carreira tinha o número estimado de 30 milhões de CDs vendidos.

Tradutor - Translator - Çevirmen - Übersetzer - Traductor
sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2010
sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010
quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010
terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2010
quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010
David Burton Tarkan’ı Elle dergisi için fotoğrafladı
quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010
TARKAN TEVETOGLU :O primeiro homem na capa da ELLE - ELLE kapağındaki ilk erkek
ALTI yıldır hiçbir televizyon programına konuk olmayan ve basına röportaj vermeyen Tarkan, bu sessizliğini Elle dergisi için bozdu. Elle de 11 yıllık yayın tarihinde ilk kez bir erkek yıldızı kapağına taşıma kararı aldı. Bu özel fotoğraf çekimi, dünyaca ünlü fotoğrafçı David Burton’un ellerine teslim edildi. Burton, çekimler için üç günlüğüne İstanbul’a geldi. Yabancı Elle edisyonları için gerçekleştirdiği moda ve kapak çekimleriyle ses getiren, bugüne dek Eva Herzigova, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Alessandra Ambrosio, Sting gibi yıldızları fotoğraflayan Burton, Tarkan’la çalıştığı için çok mutlu olduğunu söyledi. İstanbul’un önemli tarihi mekanlarında gerçekleştirilen çekimler, iki gün sürdü.
İstanbul’a aşık oldum
Yaşamını Los Angeles ve New York’ta sürdüren David Burton, ilk kez geldiği İstanbul’a hayran kaldığını söyledi: “İstanbul’a daha önce hiç gelmemiştim, bu şehre aşık oldum! Tarkan’la çalıştığım için de çok mutluyum.”
Tarkan’a çekimlerde ünlü İsveçli model Faye Vrethem eşlik etti.
by Hurriyet.com.tr
Tarkan posou para o fotografo David Burton que já teve celebridades como Eva Herzigova, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Alessandra Ambrósio e Sting na mira da sua câmera. Burton passou três dias em Istambul apenas para fazer as fotos de Tarkan, ele deu preferência lugares históricos e disse que estava muito satisfeitos por ter a chance de trabalhar com Tarkan.
Trad. by Milka Mendes
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
Tarkan "Büyük Göçler" belgeselini seslendirdi.. İşte görüntüler..
segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
Mega tebrik - Mega parabéns!
Doğumgününü kutlayan herkese yine internet aracılığıyla teşekkür eden Megastar, şunları yazdı:
"Doğumgünü mesaj ve dilekleriniz için teşekkürler. Sizler de iyi ki varsınız, sizleri çok seviyorum. Daha nice uzun yıllar, hep birlikte yol almak dileğiyle."
Em seu aniversário de 38 anos,Tarkan recebeu inúmeras mensagens em sites de relacionamento como FACEBOOK e TWITTER,seu fãns deixanram mensagens de amor e seus melhores desejos ao Megastar.Tarkan retribuiu o carinho postando a seguinte mensagem:
"Muito obrigado por suas mensagens de aniversário e desejos. Ótimo ter todos vocês ao meu lado e eu amo muito todos vocês também. Meu desejo é caminharmos juntos neste caminho de vida nos próximos anos :)"
quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010
segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010
Megastar Tarkanı'ın cezası ne zaman bitecek?
quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010
segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010
segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010
Six Thousand Fans in the Roof of the concert for Megastar Tarkan
After two years 'Step into the heart of Summer' with a new album called once again made a quick exit, Tarkan concert was given at Anatolium scene has thrilled thousands of fans. Listen to the stage from the time integrated 'Megastar', perfect mastery of the stage, the large repertoire of songs and dances harneketli has scored a magnificent concert.
I went crazy
Tarkan 'not bitter', 'No way I work,' 'Lost,' 'Kiss', and 'Step into the heart of Summer' fans with songs by choir said. 21 tracks of songs old and new repertoire, consisting of approximately 2.5 hours with the Megastar on stage, listening to the enthusiasm of the summit took. Athletes in an effort to stage sarfeden Tarkan, especially young girls crazy with his performance.
domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010
segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010
Tarkan on stage victory celebrated
Tarkan on stage victory celebrated
Megastar audience for the 12 Giant Men 'was playing'
Megastar Tarkan Cratos Premium Hotels in Cyprus on the last day of the festival took the stage. 1.5 hours to about a thousand people attended a concert of Tarkan. When the stage artists, Basketball National Team defeated Serbia 83-82 in the news arrived. Tarkan song after finishing the final stage with fans celebrated the joy. "We pride ourselves with 12 giant men. It is our hearts. I love watching the matches gave us very proud," said Tarkan, the National Team for the 'Kiss' was sung. "To play for 12 Giant Men" also went to the concert.
Rooms with sauna bath to Megastar Tarkan
Rooms with sauna bath to Megastar Tarkan
Cratos hotel holidays in Cyprus, the third day took the stage, the Cypriot fans was having an unforgettable night. Five thousand people watching the concert is said to receive 400 thousand pounds, Megastar, the most popular songs performed in the past and present. Stay at the hotel's presidential suite of 700 square meters, Tarkan was welcomed as the world stars. Rolls-Royce received a Megastar airport, hotel owners and Kemal Murat Bozoðlu was welcomed by the door
quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010
Son konserde duygusal anlar
terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010
Bono, Tarkan and the minister
I will be there. It is for the first time in many years that I even considered buying tickets for such a mega event. In the end, I decided to spend quite a lot of liras to see a band that I admired when they started out 30 years ago. I vividly remember their first LPs, “Boy,” “October” and especially “War.”
That album included the song “Sunday Bloody Sunday,” a strongly politicized memory of the dramatic events of Jan. 30, 1972, in Derry, Northern Ireland, in which 13 unarmed civil rights protesters were killed by the British Army. It was one of the absolute lows during the Troubles in Northern Ireland between Protestants, Catholics and the British authorities. This year, an official report found that the killings were both “unjustified and unjustifiable.” British Prime Minister David Cameron, finally, made a formal apology on behalf of the United Kingdom.
“Sunday Bloody Sunday” was the song that most clearly showed the social and political engagement of U2 that made the band so popular among activists in those early days. From the mid-1980s, I started losing track. The music of U2 changed and became, in my opinion, sterile and bombastic. It was only in 2000, with the release of “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” which features the classic song “Beautiful Day,” that I rediscovered the band. In the mean time, U2 and especially its lead singer Bono had become global celebrities, known for their compelling music, their memorable performances and, in the case of Bono, for his geopolitical activism.
Ten years ago, the singer with the eternal sunglasses got involved in campaigning for third-world debt relief and raising awareness of the plight of Africa. Bono can still be seen on stage of course, touring the world with U2, but most people probably know him better from his highly publicized meetings with U.S. president George W. Bush or Brazilian president Lula da Silva. He was dubbed “the face of fusion philanthropy” by the New York Times for his efforts to enlist powerful allies and set up new networks in the fight against hunger and AIDS in Africa.
Back to Turkey. Combining his art with activism, Tarkan could be called the Turkish Bono. His impact on trends and fashion in music in this country is huge, his personality in the media sometimes larger than life and Tarkan has gone activist as well, especially on environmental issues. Recently, he made it known that he thinks that Allianoi, one of the oldest known spa settlements, should be protected. Allianoi is at risk of being submerged underwater with the creation of a nearby dam. Tarkan’s stance on the highly controversial dam project earned him the wrath of the minister for the environment, Veysel Eroğlu. He harshly criticized Tarkan, saying, “The singer should deal with his art, and he shouldn’t poke his nose into issues he doesn’t understand. (…) His comments on the construction of a dam, or the protection of a historical artifact, are extremely wrong.”
I have some questions for the minister. Dear Minister Eroğlu, can you explain to me why the rest of the world is happy when singers and other artists get involved in social and political issues while you seem to be immensely upset when the world of culture is linked with the rest of society? Why can’t Tarkan do for Allianoi what Bono is doing for Africa?
On top of that, if Tarkan should be silent on the dam project, why is your party so happy to enlist singer Sezen Aksu in the campaign for a “yes” vote on Sept. 12? Is she more knowledgeable about the Constitution than Tarkan is about the dam? Or is your reaction to Tarkan an example of your party’s dangerous tendency to cherish people and organizations that agree with them and to make life difficult on those that are of a different opinion, whether they are called TÜSİAD or Tarkan?